Finals night! Wow what a great night! It was so exciting this was more than just a pageant this was a television production! It was intense, everything had to go off just right. Luckily I work well under pressure! I made a few mistakes but nothing major. After all was said and done Mrs. Florida April Lufru is our new Mrs. America. I got to spend a lot of time with her the last two weeks and she is a wonderful lady. I am very happy she won and is our representative. I accomplished all I set out to do at Mrs. America. It was an experience unlike any other I have ever had.
I am excited to now focus on being Mrs. Washington!! Thank you to everyone for your love and support, I just can't even put into words how much it has meant to me. I am so blessed and grateful for this opportunity.

My beauty team squad Jilladair and Rachel.

Mrs. America 2010 Shelly
Carbone, she helped me quite a bit backstage with jewelry and wardrobe changes. She is beautiful, gracious and a real person!
Soooo, after the top 10 were announced and the 5 extra that were chosen by votes and a random draw the rest of us headed off stage to the dressing room where the real party began! Mrs. New Mexico had a bottle of wine to share, we were not out of control just playing it up for the camera! I couldn't find a glass so I had to use a bowl for my was at least made of glass!
LOL I enjoyed making the girls laugh.

My dear sweet friend Julie sent a box of chocolate covered strawberries for me to enjoy. They wouldn't last so I had to share them. Before the pageant no one would even eat one but after.... I was swarmed by the ladies! We all enjoyed them so much. Thanks Jules!

One of my closest friends at the pageant, Jaime Mrs. Vermont. She was almost as silly as I was. We stood by each other quite a bit during our performance and practices. We had so much fun together. I am so glad we were at the end of the alphabet together!!

Mrs. Wisconsin Cheese as I affectionately called Brigid. Another lovely end of the alphabet girls. She kept me on track when I could not remember what group I was in or where I was supposed to go on stage. Thanks Brigid!

Mrs. Wyoming became a dear friend to me too. She is so sweet and beautiful, her eyes are amazing. I also got to see her comical and sassy side too!
Frit and Frat our Choreographers. Oh how these guys made me laugh and made me crazy! I can not believe how much we had to learn and do in a short amount of time. Never in my life have I felt so lost at times! I pride myself on usually getting the hang of things but this was the most information I had to remember and it was changing daily! They did a great job keeping us on task. With a group of 51 women chatting you can imagine the challenge for them!